The Now Word
What the Spirit is saying to the Church at this hour...
67 episodes
The Necessity of the Interior Life
WHY is it that some Christian souls leave a lasting impression upon those around them, even just by encountering their silent presence, while others who seem gifted, even inspiring… are soon forgotten?
Season 5
Episode 51
UFO's, Drones, and Aliens — Oh My!
The headlines are exploding these days with UFO sitings and speculations of aliens. But what does the Catholic Church teach about extraterrestrial life?
Season 4
Episode 50
A Powerful "No" to Canada's Killing Fields
Rather than euthanize his wife, he did this...
Season 4
Episode 49
Sign of the Son of Man
Several Scriptures speak of a "sign" being given to mankind before the Day of the Lord. Some call it The Warning... and it may be sooner than we think.
Season 4
Episode 48
7 Quotes in 7 Minutes to Explain Our Times
Why are world leaders seemingly drawing us into utter chaos? The answer in seven quotes...
Season 4
Episode 47
On Praying With Confidence
We are called to pray with confidence to the Father... but how do we square that away with "unanswered" prayers?
Season 4
Episode 46
Our Warrior
Are we placing too much hope in our politicians to turn our world around? Scriptures says, "It’s better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” (Psalm 118:8)... to put confidence in the weapons and warriors Heaven itself g...
Season 4
Episode 45
Synodality - Whom Are We Listening To?
With the release of the Final Document on the Vatican's "Synod on Synodality" — which is all about listening — it leaves the question: Who exactly are we listening to?
Season 4
Episode 44
The Great Warning & Coming of the Kingdom
What do The Warning and the fulfillment of the Our Father have in common? Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor explain, based on Scripture and approved prophetic revelations...
Season 4
Episode 43
Medjugorje Approved! & Pope Francis on Religions - Pt 2
Pope Francis stirred controversy with his latest assertion that "all religions are paths to God." In light of the approval of the apparitions of Medjugorje, Mark & Daniel break down the pope's claim and whether it is consistent with 2000 ye...
Season 4
Episode 42
Medjugorje Approved! & Pope Francis on Religions - Pt 1
Major News from Rome: the apparitions of Medjugorje have been approved. Mark & Daniel break down the Vatican's statements with key insights on why this is so significant.
Season 4
Episode 41
Vatican & Apparitions... Supernatural No More?
The Vatican has issued new norms for discerning "alleged supernatural phenomena", but without leaving bishops with the authority to declare mystical phenomena as heaven-sent. How will this impact not only the ongoing discernment of apparitions ...
Season 4
Episode 40
Keepin' It Together
With news headlines becoming more grim and dire by the hour and prophetic words echoing much the same, fear and anxiety are causing people to "lose it." This crucial webcast explains, then, just how we can "keep it together" as the world around...
Season 4
Episode 39
Defeating the Accuser
Scripture speaks of the “accuser”, the devil, who accuses us “day and night.” How do we defeat his constant lies? Join Mark Mallett and the Countdown to the Kingdom team as they share insights on winning the battle over the mind…
Season 4
Episode 38
Why the Warning?
Prophecy and Scripture speak of a coming worldwide “warning” or “illumination of conscience” that will shake the consciences of every man, woman and child (cf. Rev 6:12-17). Join Mark Mallett and acclaimed author Ted Flynn as they answer the qu...
Season 4
Episode 37
Finding Dignity Again...
WHAT happens to people’s minds when their culture — what John Paul II called a culture of death — informs them that human life is not only disposable but apparently an existential evil to the planet? What happens to the psyche of our chi...
Season 4
Episode 36
Part II - Living John Paul II's Prophetic Words
This is Part II of my talk at the 2024 Alberta March for Life and Edmonton Pro-Life Conference on February 3rd. It's a message of both hope and challenge to love in an increasingly hostile culture that need to hear the Gospel of Life again.&nbs...
Season 4
Episode 35
Part I - Living John Paul II's Prophetic Words
This is Part I of my talk at the 2024 Alberta March for Life and Edmonton Pro-Life Conference on February 3rd. We look at the prophetic words of John Paul II in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae "The Gospel of Life" and how his warnings ...
Season 4
Episode 34
On Condemning Pope Francis and More...
The Catholic Church has experienced a deep division with the Vatican’s new Declaration permitting the blessing of same-sex “couples”, with conditions. Some are calling for us to outright condemn the Pope. Mark responds to both controversies in ...
Season 3
Episode 33
Confront the Storm
A new scandal has rocketed across the world with headlines proclaiming that Pope Francis has authorized priests to bless same-sex couples. Is this the Great Shipwreck Our Lady spoke of three years ago?
Season 3
Episode 32
The Prophecy At Rome
A powerful prophecy was given in St. Peter's Square in 1975 — words that seem to be unfolding now in our present time. Joining Mark Mallett is the man who received that prophecy, Dr. Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries. They discuss the troublin...
Season 3
Episode 31
Why Still Be Catholic?
After repeated news of scandals and controversies, why stay a Catholic? In this powerful episode, Mark & Daniel lay out more than their personal convictions: they make the case that Christ Himself wants the world to be Catholic. This is sur...
Season 3
Episode 30
Chaos Into the Storm
ARE we living the sixth chapter of St. John's revelation in real-time?
Season 3
Episode 29